The right sign for "hearing" depends on whether you are discussing "a person
who can hear" or if you are referring to the physical ability to hear.
Most people who can hear use their voices for communication.
People who can hear and speak are called "Hearing people," or "Hearing."
Hearing people are "speakers."
Since Hearing people tend to "speak," Deaf people refer to "Hearing people"
by using a sign that looks like words tumbling from the mouth.
The sign "HEARING-(culturally)" means to be a member of the Hearing community
or to be associated with the "talking world." Thus when referring to a
"public school" you would sign "HEARING SCHOOL" using the sign that looks
like "words tumbling forth from the mouth" and then the sign for SCHOOL.
The "HEARING-(culturally) sign also means "speak," or "say."
"A person who can hear" or "The culture of Hearing people."
Note: The movement is a small rotation. Up, forward, down, and back. Repeat
twice. Think of words tumbling forth from the mouth.
HEARING (person)
If you want to discuss "physical" hearing, just tap your ear
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