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TRACTOR:  Use a left-hand (non-dominant) "3" to represent a "vehicle" (thumb pointing up) and then use a right hand "C" to represent the bucket of a tractor. Put the base of the right thumb on the tip of the left index finger and pivot the bucket a couple times to show how the bucket moves.
Note: I doubt you'll see this sign in too many "paper dictionaries." Plus I reckon you'd be hard pressed to find too many people that actually "know" a sign for "tractor."  But someone asked me how to sign it and this is what I told them I would do:


After I have established the concept of "tractor" by spelling it or using classifiers to show that it is a vehicle with a bucket/scoop, I could then use it in a story by using the generic "vehicle" classifier ("3" handshape) while making a "plosive" type of mouth morpheme (looks like what you get when you do sound of "pbpbpb" while exhaling.)


American Sign Language University ™ ASL resources by © Dr. William Vicars
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