ASL Linguistics Quiz #16
Instructions:  Choose the best answer. When you are finished, click submit.

151. Changing the verb "SIT" to mean the noun "CHAIR" is an example of a
a. Derivational process
b. Inflectional process
c. Process root
d. Perspective process

152. Changing the verb "SIT" to mean "SIT FOR A LONG TIME" is an example of a
a. Derivational process
b. Inflectional process
c. Process root
d. Compound sign

153. Forms in English like the third person present "-s" and the past tense "-ed" are
a. bound morphemes
b. free morphemes
c. free phonemes
d. are not meaningful units of language

154. In addition to the "time line," what can be used to specify the time of an event being described?
a. The temporal square
b. Temporal sequencing
c. Time shifting
d. Separate lexical items

155. If you do the sign "NOW" with the arms almost outstretched, relatively far away from the signers's body, it means
a. now closer to the future (as in "the near future")
b. later
c. not in the future at all
d. now

156. Inflecting the a sign for a day of the week by using a hold-movement-hold segmental structure that starts from the height of a signer's dominant shoulder to the mid-torso, with the palm orientation toward the signer is an example of
a. derivational morphology
b. habitual time
c. using a form morpheme suffix
d. establishing a determiner

157. The signs ALL-DAY-LONG and ALL-NIGHT-LONG are good examples of
a. Derivational morphology
b. Habitual time
c. Duration of time
d. Using a form morpheme suffix

158. The English sentence "Yesterday he went for a walk." should be signed as
c. Both are correct
d. Neither is correct

159. What a user knows about a language, the rules for making sentences, or syntax has to do with
a. Language Competence
b. Language Performance
c. both
d. neither

160. Signs do specific types of work in sentences, for example, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. These different groupings of signs are called
a. grammar divisions
b. syntactic categories
c. morphological categories
d. lexical categories


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