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Permission rules regarding use of ASL University and/or material:

Unless you have a pre-established contract -- you do not have permission to use this curriculum to do anything other than self-study and/or teach your own in-person ASL classes. There is a permission request form at the bottom of this page. Prior to using it read the information below to save your time and effort.

Approved use for: Individual in-person family homeschoolers, small in-person non-profit homeschool co-ops, high-school teachers of in-person classes, college teachers of in-person classes.  It is okay for teachers to make printed copies (on paper) of my materials and hand them out to their classes -- as long as the materials are printed and not sold to the students for more than the cost of the materials. Notice a theme?  "In-person" classes do not compete with ASL University.

Question: I teach an online class, can I link to Lifeprint materials?

Answer:  If you are teaching an online class and want to use this curriculum, send your students to to study there.  You can link to Lifeprint pages and other ASLU-related pages but do not copy nor embed Lifeprint or other ASLU-related images or videos in your website.  You can do your own testing of your own students.

If you are not qualified to test your students then negotiate a contract with Lifeprint to use our tests and test answers. (We have tests that are beyond the practice quizzes provided for free). In other words, you can use (ASL University) as the equivalent of a free online "textbook" for your course instead of requiring your students to purchase expensive books and materials.

You do not have permission to use ASLU  materials to make, apps of any kind (web, phone, or any other format accessible to the public).  You do not have permission to publish ASLU materials to the public via any online format.  For example no Anki cards, no flash-card systems, no quiz systems, etc. 

If you want to build an app, a curriculum, or a quiz -- develop your own materials, your own structure, your own images, and your own videos.  If you have a goal to do an online class using ASLU materials -- type out at length a proposal what you would like to do BEFORE you do it to see if it is of interest to us prior to doing any work with ASLU images or videos.

Again to be clear, specifically forbidden:  Do NOT use my materials to create an app -- even if it is a free app. Even if it is a "web-based" learning tool (it is still an app).  Often people contact me asking to use my materials to create a "FREE" app that they plan on giving away and will "not" sell it.  Often such people are usually planning to add advertising to still make money off of our effort while making it harder for us to earn a living by building our own apps with our own materials. 

Someone built a web app using our images and informed us that they were going to publish the app and put a donate button and split the money with us.  The problem with that is they didn't ask first, did the work, and just expected us to either approve of it without seeing it or for functionally force us to become an unpaid editor, reviewer, celebrity endorser, and consultant to make sure that the app is something that we would want our name associated with.

So, please don't use our materials in any online capacity without specific permission AHEAD OF TIME so we can say NO if we don't want to do business with you. 

Allow me to give an example.  An online school bought the rights to use ASLU material in a walled online course (meaning students had to register and pay money to take it). They paid a decent sum for the rights to a set of materials from Levels 1, 2, and 3 (videos, tests, graphics, witty commentary, etc.). We were willing to agree due to the fact that they are only minimally competing with us since they are not posting the material to the public on the net for free.

You may post links to any of the ASLU-related websites: https// (or any others)

You may download (copy and paste) the practice sheets and Powerpoint slides or other information directly related to teaching your in-person ASL classes. You may adjust the material to match your teaching style or lesson requirements, and make printouts for your in-person students or send the information to them in emails. You may NOT repost or upload ASLU information or curriculum to a publicly accessible network without specific permission. Instead just link to directly. If you need or would like access to a specific resource or would like something changed -- ASK.  We might be able to meet your needs.

You may NOT "re-sell" this material (material from this site) for a profit, but you MAY repackage the material in PRINTED form for use with your own personal students, inform students where to find the original material, and (if you want to) charge students for normal and ordinary copying expenses.

If you are a journalist or researcher or social media influencer and would like to use a few of my images in your news article or research paper contact us for permission at [Link to Contact Info]
If we give permission here is a good attribution line for use below the material:

(For more American Sign Language (ASL) resources check out

Suppose you are making handouts (for in-person use) that utilize information from this website. You could put a 8-point or larger type-font notice at the bottom of the page stating something to the effect of:
"Material courtesy of Dr. Bill Vicars and"
"Material this page modified from"
"For more ASL-related material, visit"

(Or come up with a similar statement.)

Here are two very simple methods:

"© Adapted by permission."

"© Used by permission."

Note: A very small amount of material at this site consists of excerpts from texts that I have reviewed and recommend to my students. Such excerpts may be copyrighted by others and such being the case you'd best contact the current copyright holders if you plan on using such material in a manner other than that which is protected by the "Fair Use Act."



Full Name/Entity Name:

Email Address:

Affiliation such as the name of school, business if any:

Website or target hosting platform if any:

Nature of the Project:

Title of Project:

Detailed description of the project. What will it do? How will it function?

Intended Platform/Channel for Distribution (e.g., App Store, YouTube, Website, etc.):

Will the project be available for free with zero resulting income of any kind?



Are there any monetization methods involved (ads, in-app purchases, donations, etc.)?


If yes, please specify:

Intended Audience:

Additional Information/Clarifications (Please provide any additional details you believe are relevant to your request):

Declaration:  I affirm that all the information provided is accurate and complete. I understand that any misrepresentation may result in the revocation of the permission to use the materials.





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Another way to help is to buy something from Dr. Bill's "Bookstore."

Want even more ASL resources?  Visit the "ASL Training Center!"  (Subscription Extension of ASLU)  

*  Also check out Dr. Bill's channel:

You can learn American Sign Language (ASL) online at American Sign Language University ™ 
ASL resources by  ©  Dr. William Vicars