ASL University | Bookstore | Catalog | Dictionary | Lessons | Resources | Syllabi
► 7-shaped Movement Path Location Signs
► ABC Story
► Abe Lincoln: Does the Lincoln Memorial statue show an "A" and an "L"?
► ABCOS15 (Non-dominant handshape tendency in ASL)
► Abuse (Deaf Abuse)
► Academic Diglossia
► Accents in ASL?
► Accommodations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) 1 | 2 | 3
► Accommodating Disabled Hearing Students in the ASL classroom
► Accreditation
► Accretion: "Deaf by accretion"
► ACTFL Guidelines
► Actresses and Actors, Deaf
► Adolescent Development
► Adopt a Deaf Child / Deaf Adoption
► Adult Late-Deafened in Finland: Is Signing a Right or Privilege?
► Advice to future educators
► Advice to New Students of ASL - from a seasoned ASL instructor
► Advice to people considering ASL-related careers
► African Sign Language
► Age and learning ASL
► AI - Artificial Intelligence and ASL (American Sign Language)
► Alexander Graham Bell
► Alice Cogswell
► Alternating Diglossia in the Deaf Community
► Ambidextrous signing?
► Americans with Disabilities Act
► American Society for Deaf Children
► Ameslan
► Anachronistic signs
► Anachrodepictive
► Animals and Sign Language
► Anki cards for Lifeprint?
► Applause: "Deaf Applause"
► Architecture and the Deaf
► Arthritis and ASL
► Articulation
► Art and Entertainment, Deaf
► Artistic Signing
► Artists, Deaf | 2
► Ask Dr. Bill...
► ASL [1] (a brief definition)
► ASL (definition)
► ASL-fu (martial art) (sign language form of kung fu)
► Assimilation
● Assistive Technology: Communication Devices for the Deaf
► Athletes, Advantages of Deaf
► Attention Getting Techniques 1 | 2
► Audism 1 | 2 (Note: Audism is different from Autism. They are two different topics.)
► Augmented Interpreting (a historical note)
► Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
► Auxiliary Verbs
► Autism | 2 | 3
► Avercamp, Hendrick
► Aviation: Can Deaf people become pilots?
► Baby Signing 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
► Bangs: Does having bangs impact signing?
► Basketball and the Deaf 1 | 2 | 3
● Baseball and ASL | 2 |
● Bibliography
● Big River
► Bedouins
► Bellydance and the Deaf Community
► Benefits: "The Benefits of Learning Sign Language" | 2
► Best place to learn ASL?
► Beyond the Law: Advocacy for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Rights in the United States
► Bilingual Education | 1 | 2 |
► Bilingual Fidelity
► Black ASL (BASL)
► Blended Letters
► Blessing the Deaf
► Body Language and ASL
● Book Recommendation: A Study of American Deaf Folklore
● Book Recommendation: Deaf in America
● Book Recommendation: A Brief History of ASL
► Book Recommendation: Fingerspelling
► Book Recommendation: Personal Pronouns
► Book Recommendation: Initialization
► Book Recommendation: Terminology study guide
► Book Excerpt: The Purpose of Signed English
► Book Recommendation: "Janessa's Journey Through Her Mother's Eyes"
► Book Preview: Specialized Signs
● Book Spotlight: What is ASL?
► Botox and ASL
► Botox and the Deaf
► Boy Scout Oath in ASL
► Bragg, Bernard
► Brain: "The Deaf Brain"(Music)
► Bridgman, Laura (Deaf-Blind)
► Brill, Richard G. (Dr. Richard G. Brill)
► Business: "Sign Language and Business"
► Camp: Deaf Camp games for 3 to 5 year olds
► Can you speak? (Is it rude to ask if a Deaf person can talk?)
► Capitalization: Should "sign language" be capitalized?
► Captioning (close captioning)
► Captioning (To caption or not to caption...)
► Captioning: Requests for captioning or subtitling of instructional ASL videos
► Caravan: "ASL is like a caravan"
► Careers in ASL and/or working with Deaf People: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
► Career Trends for the Deaf
► Carpal Tunnel
► Certification to teach ASL?
► Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) | 2 |
► Charles Michel De l'Epée
► Cheap and lazy way to teach...
► Chefs, Deaf
► Chess and the Deaf Community
► Children: Benefits of Learning Sign Language
● Children: Linguistic Development of Children who use ASL
► Children of Deaf Adults | 1 | 2 | 3 |
► Children: So, your baby is going to be born deaf...
► Chimpanzees and ASL
● Chinese Sign Language
► Church and the Deaf | notes | 2 |
► Classifier-25?
► Classifiers
► Classifier-Predicates
► Clerc, Laurent 1 | ● 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
► Clock: "ASL Clocks"
► Clockwise
● Closed Captioning
● Club: "ASL Club" guidance
► Coarticulation
► Cochlear Implants 1 | 2 | 3 |
● CODA: Also see: Children of Deaf Adults
► CODA: A Day in the Life of a CODA
● Codeswitching
● Cognition
► Coleman, Derrick (Derrick Coleman) | 2
● Colleges for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
► Colonization via Euphemization
● Colors
► Combined Signs (signs that include or are paired with fingerspelling)
● Communicating with Deaf Students
● Comparatives and Superlatives
► Compounds
● Contact-Signing
► Content is free but not worthless (the cost of an ASL course)
► Context
► Cost: The cost of a sign
► Contrastive Structure
► Copula in ASL (?)
► Countries: Indigenous Signs
► Covid, Impact on the Deaf Community
► COVID-19 and the DeafBlind Community
► Creative Commons Attribution: CC-BY
► Credit also see: Credit
► Curriculum, Can we use the ASLU curriculum in our online school?
► Criminal Justice System
► Criminal Background - ASL Interpreter
Cub Scout Oath
● Cued Speech (1)
● Cued Speech (2)
● Culture, Deaf
● Culture, Deaf: Study Guide
► Curriculum Creep
Curriculum Development
► Cycling
► Dactylaprothymía: fingerspelling reluctance
► Dactylology
► Dance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
► Dance and the Deaf Community
► Dancing with a skilled partner
► Dating: Deaf and Hearing dating
► Day Program for the Deaf: Student Report:
► de l'Epée, Charles Michel | ● Abbe Charles Michel de L'Epee
► De'VIA
► Deaf-blind: The Tadoma Method
► Deaf-Blindness
● Deaf Children: Linguistic and Social Development
● Deaf Culture (Study Guide) (.doc format)
● Deaf Culture (...)
► Deaf Culture Interview
● Deaf Culture (Quiz)
● Deaf Culture: Study Guide
► Deaf Culture Study Guide (version 4)
► Deaf Enough
► Deaf Event, Risk Management
► Deaf Events: Where are the Deaf kids?
► Deaf Gain
► DeafPlus: Interventions and Accommodations
► Deaf Schools, Observation of Differences
► Deaf Standard Time (DST)
● Deaf Way II
► Deafness
● Deaf President Now | 2 | 3
► Deaf-initions
► Deafie
► Deaflympics | 02 | 03 | 04
● Defining "Deaf" What does "Deaf" mean?
► Deaf Students: "Do you have Deaf students in your ASL classes?"
► Degrees: "Should I pursue an advanced degree?"
► Delayed Speech (a brief personal account)
► Delimitations of Signs ("sign delimitations")
► Dentistry and the Deaf
► Dining, Deaf
► Dialects in ASL
► Differences between signs taught by teachers
► Directionality (verb agreement)
► Disability: "Deafness as a Disability" / 2
► Disability: "Are Deaf people disabled?"
► Disconnect between classroom learning and real world signing
● Discourse / Conversation negotiation techniques
► Distinctions project
► Driving and the Deaf | Drivers Licenses | Driving Schools and the Deaf
Documentation Form
► Dogs: "Hearing Dogs" | Canine Sign Language | Deaf Dogs | Dogs and Sign Language | Canine Companions for Independence |
► Don't close your eyes at me!
► Double Letters in fingerspelling
► Driving: "Deaf Drivers"
► Drug Awareness and Treatment Services for the Deaf in a Hearing World (also see: Substance Abuse)
► Drug Abuse and Deaf People
► Drugs, Alcohol, and the Deaf
► DST (Deaf Standard Time)
► Dummy Hoy and Dummy Taylor
► Dungeons and Dragons and the Deaf Community
► Dyslexia and Fingerspelling
► Early Intervention: "Sign Language in Early Intervention"
► Eating: How do you eat and sign at the same time?
► Editing the pauses: Okay for student video assignments?
► Education, Deaf: 1 | 2
► Education: "The Impact of Education on Deaf Culture"
► Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA)
► Effects of Language Deprivation and the Lack of Deaf Role Models for Deaf Children on their Development of a Deaf Identity and Entrance into the Deaf Community
► Efficient Signing: "I'm not lazy. I'm efficient!"
► ELiS (Libras Sign Writing System)
► Emergency Services
► Emotional Imprinting
► Employment, Deaf 1 | 2 | 3 |
► Entrepreneurship, Deaf
► Epigrammatic sayings into ASL
► Equine Therapy and the Deaf
► Equipment that Dr. Bill uses in his ASL instruction videos (Educational Technology discussion)
► Equivalency: Classroom Contact Hours
► Esophageal Stenosis (esophagus constriction / choking up)
► Ethnicity
▪ Euphemisms in ASL
► Euphemism Treadmill
► Evaluation
► Evolution of a sign
► Evolution of a language: ASL
► Eye Gaze (also see Lesson 5)
► Expansion
Extended Transcript Systems
► Extra-Credit-Research-Paper-instructions
► Facial Expressions 1 | 2 | 3 |
► Facial Expressions: "If You Are Not Using Facial Expressions You Are Not Using ASL"
► Facial expressions and disability
► Fernandes, Jane K.
► Filler Signs
► Filmmakers, Deaf
► Finding and Meeting Deaf People
► Find an ASL Class
► Finger Fumblers
► Fingerspelling: Receptive Practice
► Fingerspelling
► Fingerspelling 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 9 | 10 |
► Fingerspelling: A fingerspelling heuristic
► Fingerspelling: Deaf Toddlers and Fingerspelling
► Fingerspelling: Double Letters
► Fingerspelling Phobia
► Fingerspelling: Am I broken?
► Fingerspelling in the Classroom
► Fingerspelling of License Plates (for practice)
► Fingerspelling: How many handshapes?
► Fingerspelling: indexing with the nondominant hand pointing / pointer finger
► Fingerspelling, the myth of always needing to spell out titles
► Fingerspelling, does ASL use capitals?
► Fingerspelling, using pangrams for practice
► Fiolek, Ashley
► Fluent: What does it mean to be fluent in ASL?
► Font: "ASL Fingerspelling Font"
► Food and cooking (in the Deaf World)
► Football | 02 | Football Huddle
► Foreign Language Credit
► Foreign Language: The Legitimacy of American Sign Language
► Foster, Andrew
► Foster Care
► Frankenstein's ASL (game)
► Frequently Asked Questions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
► Frequency-based versus topics-based teaching of language
► Frequency: ASL frequency / sign frequency: | ASL-Lex |
► Friction vs. Gradient
► Frog: Race
► Frozen Register: Can it be maintained?
► Future: A brief look at "The Future of Education"
► Gallaudet, Edward Miner
► Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
► Gallaudet-TrueType-"Fingerspelling Font"
► Gallaudet University | 3
► Gaming: "Deaf Gamers"
► Gaming and the Deaf
► Gay Deaf Community
► Gender: "The gender morpheme," / "Towards gender neutral signing"
► Geography
► Gestuno
► Gloss
► Gloss Riddles (ASL Gloss Riddles)
► Glossing of signed videos in educational contexts
► Glossary
► Going deaf?
► Goldenhar Syndrome
► Golf | 2 |
► Good, fast, cheap. Choose two.
► Gorillas | 2
► Grammar 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 also see Grammar of ASL
► Grammar vs. Linguistics
► Gymnastics: Deaf Gymnasts
► Hadden, Luther, "Dummy Taylor" baseball player
► Handshapes
► Hard of Hearing: A Tale of Two Trucks
► Hard of Hearing: Zoning Rights
► Healthcare and the Deaf | 2 | 3 |
► Hearie
► Hearing Aids | Buying a Hearing Aide
► Hearing Ear Dogs
► Hearing-Impaired
► Hearing Loss: Types of
► Hearing People Taking Advantage of Deaf Resources
► Hearing-Blind people in the Deaf community?
► Hearing people teaching sign language (Is it okay?)
► Heinicke, Samuel 1 | 2
► Helen Keller: An Inspiration
► Helen Keller: Success through persistence
► High School: "How to become a California high school ASL teacher"
► Higher Education and Deaf Students
► Hispanic / Latino Deaf Children in the United States
► History of ASL 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
► History Test
► Hockey 1 | 2 |
► Holocaust, Deaf People in the
► Home sign
► Homeschooling
► Homework Requests
► Honorifics: Are honorifics used in ASL?
► How do Deaf Children Learn to Read? (See: Literacy)
► How do Deaf People Think?
► How hard is it to learn American Sign Language?
► How much do ASL instructors earn per hour?
► How to be Deaf (Book Recommendation)
► How to find a sign language class
► Humor | 2
► Interpreting hymns? Chew on this...
► I have a question1 | 2
► Iconicity
► Icononyms
► Idiom 1 | 2
► If you could become Hearing, would you?
► ILY (I love you)
► Impostor Syndrome in ASL Teachers
► Indeterminate Fingerspelling
► Indexing
► Indexing and attention getting during teleconferencing
► Indian Sign Language (Native American Sign Language)
► Induction and Extrapolation, the problem
► Inflection
► Initialization vs. lexicalization in ASL
► Immersion Program
► Interlocutor
► Initialized Signs 1 | 2
► Instinct: Deaf Instinct for Protologism and Neologism Discrimination
► Instructional Assistant for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
► Intellectual Property Rights of Professors in the California State University (CSU) system
► Interesting signs: "finish touch"
► Interpretation of ASL is Heavily Influenced by Context:
► Interpreting in California
► Interpreting | 2 | 3 | 052 | 052
► Interpreting: "Educational Interpreting"
► Interpreting: Medical
► Interpreting in Texas
► Interpreting: The Necessity For Sign Language Interpreters
► Interpreting: Sample Legislation
► Interpreting: "You sign like a Deaf person!'" (negative review)
► Interpreting: What are the negatives?
► Interpreting in the Classroom: Helpful or Harmful?
► Interpreting, Should hard of hearing people become interpreters?
► Interpreter fees
► Interpreter: How to become a sign language interpreter
► Interpreter Pay
► Interviews Index
► Interview: General interview for practicing ASL
► Interview Dr. Michael Bienenstock
► Interview: Bridgit Bonheyo
► Interview: Brent Ehrig
► Interview: Terol Galien
► Interview: Connie Rubery
► Interview: Belinda Vicars
► Interview: Bill Vicars
► Invention of New Signs: Why the aversion?
► Is Bill Vicars Deaf?
► It was nice meeting you!
► Japanese Deaf Culture
► Jeanpher Memorial Deaf Preschool (Zambia)
► Job Advice: How to get a job teaching ASL
► Jokes
► Judaism
► Karaoke for the Deaf
► Keller, Helen | 2 |
► Kidrens
► Kinect Sign Language Translator
► King Kong, Deaf Joke
► Labels in the Deaf Community
► Language Deprivation
► Language Development: Comparing Hearing and Deaf Babies
► Language Acquisition | 2 |
► Language: Early Acquisition | 2 |
► Language Extinction | 2
► Language Of the Deaf Community
► Large Print Sign Language Dictionary?
► Late Deafened Adult1 | 2 | Reflections
► Law Enforcement and the Deaf | 2
► Learning ASL: Why study ASL?
► Learning ASL: Getting practice
► Learning ASL: Hints
● Learning Disabilities
► Least Restrictive Environment
► Left-handed signers | 2
► Left-handed numbering
► Lexicalized Fingerspelling
► Lexicalization
► Lexicography, ASL
► Lexicon vs Vocabulary: What's the difference?
► Ligament: Signing with a torn ligament in pinkie?
► Linguistic Intuition
► Linguistics of ASL | 2 | 3 | (parameter grouping)
► Lipreading
► Literacy and the Deaf | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
► Literacy: ASL Literacy
► Little Deaf Riding Hood
► Loan Signs (Lexical Borrowing)
► Locatives
► Logo, ASL University Logos
► Lon Chaney
► LOVE (Linguistics of Visual English)
► Low, Juliette (Girl Scouts)
► Made-up Signs
► Mainstream Deaf Education
► Mainstreaming 1 | 2
► Makeup model of ASL acquisition
► Malkowski, Gary
► Masks and sign language
► Martha's Vineyard
► Martial Arts and the Deaf
► Manually Coded English
► Martial Arts and the Deaf
► Matlin, Marlee 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
► May God bless you!
► Mechanics (Deaf Mechanics)
► Media and the Deaf
► Medical Interpreting
► Meeting Deaf People | 2
► Mental Health 1 | 2
► Mental Health and Deaf Youth
► Mental Health Services, Accessibility
► Mental Illness and the Deaf | 2
► Mental Impairment and the Deaf
► Metathesis
► Methodical Sign Language
► Mexican Sign Language | 02 |
► Michigan Sign Language (MiSL) vs U.S.-wide American Sign Language
► Military Service and the Deaf
► Military Time in ASL? | 02 |
► Miller, Marven: The Town of Laurent (Deaf Town)
► Mime
► Minimal Pairs
► Minimizers: "ASL Minimizers?"
● Ministry: "Deaf Ministry"
► Mirrors: Should I practice ASL in a mirror?
► Mislabeling every initialized sign as Signed English is not productive
► Miss Deaf America Pageant | 2 | 3 | Pageants | Pageants 2 |
► Mitochondrial Disease And Deafness
► Mittens: "The Ugly Mittens" / Punishment for signing
► Modal Verbs
► Morphemes: Form vs. Process (linguistics)
► Morphemes vs Phonemes (linguistics)
► Morris, Osei
► Movies 01 | 02 | 03 |
► Mouthing in ASL 1 | 2 | 3
► mouth morphemes in ASL
► Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.
► Multilingual learners of American Sign Language
► Multimorphemic words (or signs) vs compounds
► Music and the Deaf: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
► Musical Signing
► Mute
► Mute Signers: Communicating with those who can hear and sign but not talk
► Museum of Deaf History
► My ASL Teacher ...
► Myth: "It's not speed but clarity that matters"
► Myth: " L1 should not be used to expedite L2 acquisition" (Common Underlying Proficiency)
► Myth: Titles and Proper Names are Always Spelled in ASL
► Myth: "The Myth of (required) Inflection"
► Myth: "The Myth of Separateness: Are ASL and English Completely Separate Languages?"
► Myth: "To be correct, the meaning of signs should be limited to their depictive roots."
► ñ
► NAD: National Association of the Deaf
► Name Signs | Also see: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | 5 | 6 |
► Nanotransfection
► National Technical Institute for the Deaf 1 | 2
► National Theater of the Deaf1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
► Navigating a Deaf Environment
► Navigating the Deaf Community as a Hearing Person
► Negation
► Near Native Signing
► Neurolinguistics of ASL
► New York Cabbie model of ASL fluency
► Nonlinguistic Communication (Bill Vicars)
► Nonmanual Markers (NMM's)
► Nonmanual Markers versus Nonmanual Signs
► Nonmanual Signals (NMS's)
► Non-Vanilla-Deaf (additional factors beyond being Deaf)
► Nonverbal -Will ASL use harm speech development?
► North American Deaf Language (NADL): Reimagining Bilingualism in the Deaf Community
► Noun-verb pairs [Also see: Lesson 5]
► Nuance
► Numbers
► Numbers: discussion
► Numbers 1 thru 5 (when done in isolation) tend to be palm back
► Nursery rhymes, how to sign
► Omission of unit designators in high-context ASL (and English)
► One handed signing | 2
► Online Bachelors Degree vs. ASL Certificate Program
► Online ASL Study Groups
► Onomatopoeic Signs
► Orientations: Deaf Studies Orientation
► Oralism
► Oralism and the Deaf Community
► Oxymorons (practice list for interpreters)
► Pageants | 2 | 3
► Palm Orientation
► Pangrams for fingerspelling practice
► Parkinson's Disease
● Parents, "Deaf Parents"
► Parents that learn sign language
► Parenting: Deaf Couples Want Deaf Children
► Parenting, Deaf: The Desire for Deaf Children
► Parenting, Deaf: Deaf Parents and Hearing Children
► Passion Projects, (requests for homework help)
► Peace Officer Training and the Deaf [police]
► Peer grading
► Peer Review in ASL classes: Should we use Peer Review?
► Percentages in ASL: How to handle 6% / 60%, 7% / 70%, 8% / 80%, 9% / 90%
► Perfect conditions are rare in the Deaf Community
► Performance ASL: "A tail is not a dog"
► Person Affix [agency or "agent affix]
► Perspectives of Hearing People Regarding Deafness vs the Perspectives of the Deaf Community
► Phonaesthesia (Alternate spelling: phonesthesia)
► Phonemes
► Pidgin
► Pilot
► Pledge of Allegiance
► Pluralizing
► Poetry | Deaf Poetry
► Poker and the Deaf
► Polysemy in ASL
► Polysemous (signs in ASL)
► Pond: The Deaf Community as a Pond Analogy
► Possession
► Positive Deviance
► Prepositions: ASL Preposition Incorporation and/or Preposition Drop
► Preschool and Sign Language
► Pride, Deaf: and Hearing attempts at disabling the Deaf
► Problematic Wording (when asking or commenting about ASL)
► Proctor Fee, Acceptance of
► Proficiency Testing for ASL
► Proficient at ASL, how to become
► Proficiency in ASL: How do I know if I'm proficient?
► Program Development (Sign Language)
► Pronoun Copy
► Pronoun copy and Yes/No sentences in ASL
► Pronoun Placement
► Proposal: ASL Course Proposal outline
► Protest at Gallaudet University (2006)
► Protestant Church Work with the Deaf Community in Manila, Philippines
► Protologisms in ASL
► Psychology of "Deaf People"
► Public Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
► Puns: Cross-linguistic interpretation of puns (English to ASL)
► Qualified to Teach ASL?
► Question Grammar in ASL
► Reasonable Accommodations for Deaf Participants at Conferences and Workshops
► Ranking
► Real Life Signing
► Receptive ASL Practice in an Online class?
► Reflections of an ASL student
► Reflections of a late deafened adult
Regional Dialects in ASL
► Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf - (Katie Caillavet)
● Religious Signing and Deaf Ministries
► Religion and the Deaf: 1 | 2 | 3 ...
► Relay Services
► Repeated movement of signs (repetition) (double movement)
► Request a sign
► Requests to "add class"
● Research Papers
► Residential Schools for the Deaf
► Resyntaxing
► Reverend Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet
► Reversal of Orientation for Negation
► Rhetorical Yes/No Questions in ASL
► Right or Left Hand
► Risk Management, Deaf Event Assignment (liability release)
● Rochester Method (brief definition)
● Rochester Method (full article)
► Role Shift
► Rule, Dr. Bill's Second Rule of Signining
► Rules are meant to bebrokensuperseded
► Script 01
► SCUBA Diving and ASL
► SEE (see "Signed English")
► Semantic Derogation (and pejoration)
► Semantic Range
► Sexual Abuse in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community
► Shaming, Deaf
► Short-form Media: The problem of learning ASL from short video clips
► Should I teach my child American Sign Language?
► Signed English | SEE | 2 |
► Signed English is a tool
► Signed English is not the enemy
► Sign Language Diversity1 | 2 | 3
► Sign Language is Not Universal
► Sign Supported Speech
► Signing Notes
► Signing with physical limitations
► Signing with something in your hand
► Signwriting 1 | 2 | 3
► Smith, Deaf (Erastus) 1 | 2
► Snow Skiing
► Snowboarding | Deaflympics Snowboarding
► Sociolinguistic Variation of ASL
► Skorohodova, Olga (Russia's own "Hellen Keller")
► Soccer
► Songs: The signing of songs in ASL
► Special Needs Community and ASL
► Speech Language Pathology: The role of American Sign Language (ASL) in SLP
► Speed Dating (ASL activity)
► Speed of signing: How fast do you need to sign to be an interpreter?
► Spelling versus Signing
► Sports and the Deaf | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
► Saint Mary's School for the Deaf
► Stern, Shoshanna (Deaf Actress)
► Staring at Deaf people using sign language
► STORE I GO: The "STORE I GO" myth
► STEM Education and the Deaf
► Stenotype / Stenography
► Storytelling
► Study Groups, Online ASL
► Study Techniques
► Subject-Verb-Object ASL sentence Structure
► Subjunctive
► Substance Abuse | 2 | 3
► Suicide Prevention
► Super Abilities of the Deaf
► Support and benefit from ASLU
► Swimming and Deaf People
► Switched at Birth
► Syllabus design: Reserve the right to cc on emails?
► Syllabus: Sample "ASL 1" Syllabus
► Syllabus Sample: Deaf Mentorship Practicum
► Synesthesia, auditory-kinesthetic
► synkinesis
► Syntax
► Tactical Sign Language
► Tale of Two Trucks
► Talent, Deaf
► Tattooing in the Deaf Community | Tattoos and ASL-related employment
► Teacher: How to become a teacher of the Deaf
► Teaching ASL
► Teaching ASL at a high school vs. at a college
► Teaching: How to teach Deaf Culture as part of an ASL Class
► Technical Signs
► Teaching ASL: Is it okay for Hearing people to teach?
► Teaching ASL Online: How to handle expressive and/or interactive skill development.
► Technology and the Deaf | 2 | 3 | 4 |
► Technology and Deaf Communication
► Technological Advancements and their Effect on Deaf Culture
► Technology: Innovations Improving Deaf Communication
► Telecommunications for the Deaf | 2 |
► Telephone Relay Service
► Television and the Deaf
► Temporal Adverbs
► Tennis
► Tense
► Terminology | 3 |
● TEST Activity: First 100 Signs Quiz
► TEST: "ASL Proficiency Test" (advice on taking)
► Textura-Dactyla (TrueType font)
► Theatre | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
► Therapy Horses for the Deaf
► There are two types of signs...
► Time-codes: The importance of
► Time-and-a-half
► Time first?
► Tipping Point Model of ASL Instruction: The value of a network goes up ...
► Titles 1 | 2
► To correct or not correct
► Tobacco and the Deaf Community
► Tone
► Tongue Twisters in ASL?
► Topic Comment sentence structure in ASL
► Tours: ASL Tours do not make good Deaf Event assignments
► Tracheotomy and voiceless: American Sign Language (ASL) vs Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ACC)?
► Transliteration
► Trilingualism [print version] PDF version ]
► Tutors and tutoring
► Tutor Requests
► Underwater Sign Language & "Sea Signing"
► Unmarked Signing
► Verb agreement / inflection
► Verbs of Cause and Effect in ASL
► Versions: The opportunity cost of teaching multiple versions of signs
► Video Games and the Deaf Community
► Video Relay Services 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
► Vocational Rehabilitation
► Voicing in ASL class?
► Volleyball and the Deaf
► w6v29f1d-fingertwister
► Wanted List: List of signs scheduled for development
► What is the right way to sign _____?
► What now? After the ASL classes are over -- how to keep learning ASL
► WH-question facial expression
► WH-question Placement in ASL
► WH-rightward movement unnecessary in very short questions
► What to do when you don't know a sign
► Why citing your sources is important
► Why it is harder to understand some sign language signers than others?
► Why the double YOU in ASL?
► Websites by Hearing signers
► World Federation of the Deaf
► Writers, Deaf and Hard of Hearing
► Writing and Deaf People
► Wordiness in English
Workshops-(So,you want a workshop?)
World Games for the Deaf: Now called " Deaflympics"
► Wrestling, Deaf
► Wrong: Is there a right way and a wrong way to sign?
► Years in ASL
► Yes or no answers in the Deaf Community
► Yoga
► You already know (basic) ASL Grammar:
► Youth Ambassador Program
► Zambia
► Zombie-level as a solution to freezing up
► Zoom for training and online ASL Study
Researchers are welcome to submit their ASL-related articles or papers for possible inclusion in the Lifeprint Library. For additional instructions, see: Research Paper Instructions