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MENSTRUAL-PERIOD: The American Sign Language (ASL) sign for "menstrual period"




Palm side of A-hand makes contact with cheek near the jawline




There is a nonmanual version of the sign MENSTRUAL-PERIOD that consists of puffing out the lower cheek a bit.  This version is not recommended for use as expression vocabulary for most second-language learners.  Why?  Because it is just too advanced and too rare. If a second-language learner starts using the nonmanual version is common -- it may cause that student issues during communication in the Deaf Community due to the likelihood of a native Deaf signer or other skilled signer will see the nonmanual version of MENSTRUAL-PERIOD and tell the student that the student is doing the sign wrong. Just because a person is Deaf and has been signing all of their life -- doesn't mean they know every ASL sign or version of a sign.  Your best option for clear ASL communication is to use the main versions of signs that are recognized by the widest number of ASL signers.

One of the challenges of doing deep dives into ASL versions is that second-language learners sometimes learn an advanced version but they lack the context to know when and when not to use it.


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