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Syllabus:   EDS 151 "American Sign Language 1"

William Vicars, Ed.D.
(Dr. Vicars / Bill)

Office Hours: 
Eureka 308 MWF Noon - 1pm

20072 02  25448  MWF  09:00-09:50AM EUR-307G

20072 05  25451  MWF  01:00-01:50PM  EUR-307G

Welcome to Class! 
I'm glad you are here!  You can do this!
I'll be your guide as we travel into the world of ASL. I'm an ASL lexicographer (dictionary creator), webmaster, and immersion excursion guide. You've picked a great topic to be studying.  ASL is an  exciting subject that can open for you a new world of relationships and understanding.


Course description:
Basic vocabulary and grammar of American Sign Language. Upon completion, participants will be able to exchange information about themselves and their families such as their names, where they live, and their interests. Participants are exposed to elements of deaf culture and the deaf community.

Required for this class:
You must have web access. This course relies heavily on web-based content:

Course home page:


Optional Texts: 

1. For Hearing People Only

2. Signing Naturally (Vista) Student Workbook, Level 1 (Chapters 1-6)
(Note: I will NOT be testing out of those books.)

Examinations and assignments:




Spelling and Numbers Quiz


All quizzes and exams are cumulative. Be ready to sign any previously covered concepts.  Quizzes may be receptive or expressive or both.

Culture Quiz




Unit 1 Test


Unit 2 Test


Unit 3 Test


Unit 4 Test


Final Exam




Spelling and Numbers Quiz: 
Practice your fingerspelling skills at
Learn and/or review your numbers (1 - 9,999) using:
For this quiz I will show you a series of five-letter (or fewer) words at the "slow speed" of the website.  I will also display several numbers for a limited amount of time.


Culture Test
Matching and/or fill in the blank test.
Consists of questions regarding ASL and Deaf Culture.  To do well on this test, study:


Research Blog: Two parts:

1st part:  Go to the "details link" and read the assignment and choose your blog topic from the topic list on the details page.  Create a new blog and use your topic choice as the title for you blog.  If you already have a blog site you can post to your current blog.  If you don't have a blog site you can set one up for free and relatively easily by following the instructions on the details page.  You don't need to write your research paper yet, just choose your topic and set up your blog so that as you research your paper you will have a place to put your findings.
Either print off the page or simply email me the link to your blog. In the subject line include your name, your hour, and the word BLOG.  For example:  "Jane Smith, 9:00 a.m.  BLOG Topic"

2nd part: Go ahead and do the research and post the 500 words and your citations and references to the blog.

See details: for instructions.


Unit Tests:  All tests are cumulative. See schedule for dates and points. 

For each test, I will sign 15 to 30 sentences to you. You translate them to English or just string the labels of ASL signs together.  If you miss one concept or change the meaning of the sentence you may lose points for the whole sentence so practice hard and don't try to bluff your way through this test.  These sentences will be similar to the ones on the website. Becoming familiar with the sentences on the website is a good way to practice for the test.  The test sentences may use different combinations of vocabulary, so watch closely.
Note: If I feel that students have not practiced their expressive skills enough, I may choose to instead to test each student's expressive signing skills individually.  If this is the case, each student may be required to stand in front of class and sign material from previous lessons.  In this case, grading may include overall grammar, accuracy of handshapes, location, orientation, movement, and facial expressions as well as related information or skills.

Final exam
This test is similar to the unit tests. And, like the unit tests, it is cumulative. Your final examination will be held in the regularly scheduled classroom. Find your day and time on the schedule below.


Exam Day

Exam Time

9:00 a.m.

Fri., May 25

8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Mon., May 21

10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

11:00 a.m.

Wed., May 23

10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

Mon., May 21

12:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.


Total points possible:  1000.  Scale:  100-95%=A, 90 = A-, 87=B+, 83=B, 80=B-, 77=C+,73=C, 70=C-, 67=D+, 63=D, 60=D-, 59=F.

No make-ups without an obituary of a close relative and a copy of the "program" from the service or note on the funeral home's stationary, or a note from your medical professional specifically stating that you were too sick to take the test, or from school administrator on school letterhead.  You are expected to attend if you want to get credit for the quizzes and tests. Traffic, sickness not requiring a doctor's visit, family responsibilities, and so forth do not count as "excused absences." However, if you are required to miss a quiz in order to participate in  pre-approved University program non-optional school events such as being on an athletic team--show me the letter from your coach and then send me an email for instructions on how to handle your testing.  Even if you do have an excused absence, I reserve the right to either give you a different but equivalent test or to simply assign the percentage of your most recent equivalent test or a future test.
It has been my experience in over 17 years of teaching thousands of students that the low performers always have an excuse. The good students head to school early so traffic isn't a problem, allow time to find a parking space in a distant lot and walk the rest of the way, pre-arrange babysitting and work schedules, have backup plans for transportation, have cold-medicine on the shelf in case they get sick, and/or do well enough on most of their assignments and tests that missing a day, assignment, or test (for example: to go to a funeral) will not hurt their grade.  I encourage you to do the things good students do so you can get the grade that good students get.  Good students, don't oversleep or get drunk and miss class then show up later with some made up story about their grandmother dying.  If she did die, I'm sorry, (really I indeed do extend my condolences) but make sure you either take a picture of yourself at the funeral or bring the printed program with a signature from the assistant funeral director acknowledging that you were there and a phone number so I can have my assistant call and verify your relationship to the deceased. 
Sure, that seems strict, and maybe I am, but that doesn't mean I'm not flexible and willing to work with honest, dedicated students.  If you know your daughter's going to have surgery and you will have to miss a test, email me ahead of time and we will work something out.


Ethics, Attendance, Disabilities, and Class Environment You may be dropped from class for checking your email during class or accessing websites other than or during class. You may be dropped from class for using your voice or whispering during class.  Turn cell phones to vibrate or silent settings. Do not wear baseball caps during quizzes. No reading newspapers in class or other distracting behavior. No videotaping the lecture or bringing visitors or guests without permission. Students are always expected to work independently on graded quizzes and/or assignments unless specifically directed otherwise by the instructor. Assignments turned in late for any reason may receive no credit. For information on the University's policy regarding cheating and plagiarism, refer to the Schedule of Courses (Legal Notices on Cheating and Plagiarism) and the University Catalog (Policies and Regulations). Penalties for cheating and plagiarism may include receiving an F for a particular assignment, an F for the course, or expulsion from the university. Upon identifying themselves to the instructor and the university, students with disabilities will receive reasonable accommodation for learning and evaluation. For more information, contact the office of Services to Students with Disabilities.    [My lawyer made me say all that.  Sorry.]

Voicing Policy:  This is a no voice class.  During class time you should keep your voice off and not whisper or rely on "exaggerated mouthing."  If  another student voices to you, you should respond as if you couldn't hear them and ask them (by signing) to communicate with you by signing or fingerspelling (or even writing on paper or the board).  I can reduce your grade or drop you from class for participating in voicing either as a participating listener or a voicer.  (But, usually I'll just ask you to sit somewhere else.)

This syllabus and the schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check on announcements made while you were absent.

Pep talk:
You can do this.  I have near infinite patience. I love teaching and explaining.  If you have questions, ask in class or email me and I'll get back to you within 48 hours.  If you think I've overlooked your email, feel free to send your question again--I won't feel bothered--rather I'll be grateful for the communication (sometimes email doesn’t arrive).  If there is something I can do to make the class better for you please do suggest it.  This class may be one of your more challenging accomplishments but I know if you work hard and put in the time--you will succeed.





Test / Assignment


Your Score

Mon Jan 29





Wed Jan 31

Lesson 1




Fri Feb 02





Mon Feb 05

Lesson 2




Wed Feb 07


Spelling and Numbers Quiz



Fri Feb 09

Lesson 3




Mon Feb 12





Wed Feb 14

Lesson 4




Fri Feb 16





Mon Feb 19

Lesson 5




Wed Feb 21





Fri Feb 23


Unit 1 Test



Mon Feb 26

Lesson 6




Wed Feb 28





Fri Mar 02

Lesson 7




Mon Mar 05





Wed Mar 07

Lesson 8




Fri Mar 09


Blog Part 1 Due



Mon Mar 12

Lesson 9




Wed Mar 14





Fri Mar 16

Lesson 10




Mon Mar 19





Wed Mar 21


Unit 2 Test



Fri Mar 23





Mon Mar 26


No class  Spring Break



Wed Mar 28


No class Spring Break



Fri Mar 30


No class Spring Break



Mon Apr 02

Lesson 11




Wed Apr 04





Fri Apr 06

Lesson 12




Mon Apr 09


 Culture Quiz



Wed Apr 11

Lesson 13




Fri Apr 13





Mon Apr 16

Lesson 14




Wed Apr 18





Fri Apr 20

Lesson 15




Mon Apr 23


Unit 3 Test



Wed Apr 25





Fri Apr 27

 Lesson 16




Mon Apr 30





Wed May 02

Lesson 17 




Fri May 04


Extra Credit Culture Quiz 



Mon May 07

Lesson 18 

Rest of Blog Due



Wed May 09





Fri May 11

Lesson 19 




Mon May 14





Wed May 16

 Lesson 20




Fri May 18


Unit 4 Test



Mon May 21





Wed May 23





Fri May 25







Total Possible