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ASL Linguistics: a nonce word / a nonce sign:

A nonce word (or sign) in linguistics refers to a word created for a single occasion to solve an immediate problem of communication. It is essentially a word used to fill a gap in vocabulary, often crafted spontaneously and used only once. These words are not standardized or widely recognized as part of the language; instead, they are often created ad-hoc by the speaker or writer for a specific context or to achieve a particular effect.

In the context of sign languages, the concept of nonce signs can be applied similarly. Just as with spoken languages, sign language users can create spontaneous, one-time signs to communicate a specific idea or object for which they don't immediately recall or know an existing sign. These nonce signs are typically understood within the context of the conversation and are used to facilitate immediate communication.

For example, if a signer does not know the established sign for a particular object or concept, they might create an impromptu sign that represents their perception or understanding of that object or concept. This could involve using classifier handshapes to represent the object's size or shape, employing mime-like representation, or adapting their facial expressions or body language to aid in conveying the meaning.

Nonce signs, like nonce words, are generally not adopted into the wider language and are typically used within a specific context or conversation. However, if a nonce sign becomes repeatedly used within a community and is understood across different contexts and conversations, it can evolve from a nonce sign into a recognized part of the language.


Also see: protologism.htm
Also see: neologism.htm
Also see: catena
Also see: nonce word (or nonce sign)
Also see: lexical item


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